Nintendo files new trademarks for Splatoon 2 & Super Smash Bros.

At least one trademark is for new controllers

Posted by Ashley King on June 30, 2018

According to a new trademark filing in Japan, Nintendo has filed for new trademarks for the Splatoon and Super Smash Bros. IPs. While the trademarks are generally video game related, they also cover planning and holding events like tournaments. Additionally, the Super Smash Bros. trademark appears to revolve around game controllers.

Nintendo already confirmed that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will work with current GameCube controllers, but perhaps the company is planning on re-releasing the popular controller to go with the game once it is closer to release date. The GameCube Wii U adapter was a great success for Nintendo and it works for the Switch too. Perhaps we'll see a re-branding of this accessory closer to the release of Smash.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - $59.99

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